A Greater Purpose - Asim Siddiq

(Bonus Question) But is peace the goal she ought to be pursuing, or is her campaign serving another purpose? How should Awiti be handling her pain, and does that have implications for how we might or should act in a world structured by the experiences and transnational arrangements that provoke her wrath?

Upon initial analysis, I failed to identify the significance of Awiti's representation of the African community that rose from slavery. When presented with the dreadful history of the slave trade it's hard to see how one could ever forgive such horrendous acts. It becomes clear throughout the progression of the book that Awiti is a figure that belives entirely in retribution. It is important to note that retribution can come in various forms, but in Awiti's case, it is violence and pain. Her campaign serves the primary purpose of getting retribution, not only for her family but for the entire African community affected by slavery. She believes that making the "white faces" feel the pain she felt will provide her with a sense of fulfillment. This is not the case.

Everybody has a unique way of dealing with pain. Some turn to their friends, religion, or drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol always fail because they are only temporary fixes. This is what Awiti is doing when she sends these great storms. Like an addict needing to feel better, she is craving her TEMPORARY emotional fix. However, her actions are much more complex than that. I believe that it is unfeasible to fight hate with hate. In my opinion, until Awiti accepts what has happened to her and moves on, she will never find peace. It is easy for me to type this as I have not felt anything on the scale of what she has been through. Therefore, I can just offer solutions that work for me. Coming to terms with what has happened to you is the best first step in beginning to move on from a situation. It is important to also remember that pain is just like a scar. With time scars fade, but never truly go away. Awiti does not need to forget what happened to her, rather dedicate her time to a greater cause. Harming people will not bring any PERMANENT solution.

The way Awiti should be handling her pain is a great model for us to follow in our current world. We need to begin to view things from the perspectives of others rather than just our own. Keeping an open mind will never hurt you. Most importantly, we must search for permanent solutions, not temporary ones. We need to realize that simply putting a band-aid on a problem will not solve it.

comment : https://sassyscholars.blogspot.com/2019/09/an-eye-for-eye.html?showComment=1567784239217#c3444715261893370439
