Reflection: Week 3 - avq

Reflection: Week 3
            This past week was a blast. I started with a team and ended it almost winning the game by myself. I was apart of the Yellow team; however, the Diplomat and the Head of State decided to recede and become the Brown team. When Danielle announced this, many things went through my mind. However, the one predominant emotion that I felt was fear. When I was a part of the original Yellow team, my job was to handle the money. Hence, since I was the only Yellow team member, I would have to be the Diplomat, the Head of State, and the Treasurer all at once. It was very overwhelming at first, and I did not know where to start. I had three days to come up with a plan. My objective was to eliminate the Brown Team. Before they left, the Yellow team had a total of eight territories. I had to strategically negotiate with my ex-team members with which territories they should “steal.” After a swift discussion, I persuaded them to acquire “our” city. This would later help me meet my objective. At this moment, I felt confident.
          So it is Thursday morning, there is tension in the air. Everyone is anxious to see what will occur. I immediately formed alliances with the Red and Green team. I intended to have Red and Green eliminate Brown for me, and in return, I would help them either achieve their objective or fund their troops. My ultimate secret power was to ensure that the attacker can successfully acquire a territory without any damages. Hence, I aided Green to acquire Brown’s city. Once this occurred, our alliance was so strong that if we desired to conquer the world, we easily could. In the end, technically, no one won since we ran out of class time. However, what I took from this is that with the right people and the perfect circumstances, your objective can be secretly met.  In other words, had Red not lost most of its territories, Green wanting Southern Europe, and Yellow (me!) with ultimate power, I am uncertain if I could pull off with what I did. After the game was done, I reflected on how Diplomatic Risk correlated to World Governance. For instance, during the World Council, there were five Diplomats, where we needed to decide on war/alliance status and the order of play. In order to come to a solution, we only need a 3/5 agreement. Hence, since Green, Red, and Yellow were in alliance, we dictated the order. Reflecting to the real world, it is quite similar. For instance, if the United States wanted to attack France, then the US would be in a better position because its influences are much stronger than those of France. Hence, the US would win. Another critical factor that I thought was very important is that when a smaller team/country has a beneficial superpower, then it is easier to form alliances. Once again, this is very similar to the real world. Overall, I enjoyed playing Diplomatic Risk. I feel like I learned a lot in such a short amount of time.
