A Week in Reflection #6 - Asim Siddiq

Finally, I got some ME time. The last few weeks have been hectic. It seems like I have spent every living-breathing moment with someone. Whether it is my roommate or my friends, I have struggled to find a time when I am just by myself. This week, I found a way to make some ME time and was also blessed with some. I found some ME time in the pool this week. However, my real ME time came when my roommate went home for the weekend. Honestly, this made my weekend fabulous. Having the room to myself was awesome!

I learned a lot from class this week. Liberalism is an interesting philosophy. My main takeaway from the concept, however, is that it is inherently impossible to mimic in modern times. Countries will always prioritize self-interests. Like the fallibility Hamilton and Madison point out, humans will always be selfish. This makes me think that it is most proficient for countries to adopt liberalism to an extent inside of their national boundaries; however, extend policy centered around realism when dealing with other nations. I am interested to see how constructivism ties in with the different concepts.
