Reflection 10/6-10/12

"Bloom Later" by Jesse

One of the main reasons why I became interested in international relations was because of my own experiences understanding how countries treat other nationals. Ugh. This week was the most challenging week of my life because I lost my sense of security. My entire world got rocked and it left me scrambling. Security was something I’ve taken for granted for far too long considering my situation. Security means so much more than freedom from danger; it means freedom from fear, from worry, from tension. It means a sense of protection. It means that I can plan for the future which means I have a life that exists beyond the present day.

In the Petroleum Paradox article, Kelanic states that the only thing that drives actors into action is the removal of vulnerability, and she is correct. Living with insecurity is paralyzing. Legit everything else is overshadowed by this, and I feel so bad for anyone who had to deal with me, because I am quite tense right now.

However, in a situation like this, all you can do is hope and wait. So, I choose to trust in the system, and I really do hope it works out.
