Reflection: Week 7 - AVQ

Reflection: Week 7

Last night, I attended the Chuck Todd interview presented by KPU and SOC. It was a last-minute decision; however, it was worth it. During the interview, he discussed how the media has changed. For instance, rather than covering the real pressing political issue, a journalist would mostly criticize what other journalists say. Similar to a drama fest of, “she said, but he said.” In addition, Todd stated that the United States is in a “National Nightmare.” The Republican party has not stood against the President, which means that Trump believes he has endless boundaries. Also, Todd gave his thoughts on the 2020 elections. He said that he does not know what will happen since three weeks ago everything seemed fine, but now, who knows. Let us hope that our country will not make the same mistakes again.

After this interview, I remembered that I live in Washington, DC. There are numerous times that I forget that. When I read articles about the Republicans, the Democrats, our President, it seems that those events are so far that I do not affect them. However, in reality, most of these events are just a few miles south of me. Since I came from a small town, most of the community just knew the basics of politics because it did not seem that it affects us. However, now that I am here, it is quite different. As I left the theatre, I reminded myself that I am not in Upstate anymore. I have the power to make a change. I have the power to go lobby for the end of gun violence; I have the power to protest the rights of LGBTQ+ citizens; I have the power to advocate for residency for illegal immigrants who have been working in the US for over a decade. I have more power here than I ever did back home. This city is my playground now.
