A Week in Reflection #12 - Asim Siddiq

Traditionally, I split my reflections into two paragraphs. The first is usually about my personal life and the second is about class. Changing things up, the first paragraph or so of my reflection will now follow the story of a young space pirate. Placed in the year 1938 in the W-galaxy, this fictional tale will detail the struggles R-sim faces while attempting to conquer the course realm in the chase of acquiring The Key of Doncic. The Key of Doncic holds supreme power. The only way to bring balance to the galaxy is to find it. In his search for the key, our protagonist will journey far and learn a lot. Follow weekly to see if he ever finds what he is looking for.

Our journey begins as R-sim makes his way to the planet AUx1. Located close to the moon of Asbury, AuX1 is a small and relatively useless planet. Shortly after making his initial landing, R-sim is approached by several local advisors. These advisors are the chief rulers of the planet AUx1. In possession of the coordinates for the rest of the course realm, the advisors will be vital in R-sim’s search for The Key of Doncic. In exchange for the coordinates, R-sim agrees to 15 grueling weeks of “useless, mind-numbing training” (direct quote from R-Sim). Providing R-Sim with the locations of various medical bays and spiritual gurus, the “mind-numbing” training will be essential in R-Sim’s future success exploring the W-galaxy. After fulfilling training requirements, the advisors award R-Sim the Alpha-Plus badge along with the coordinates to the next planet – Galactical Writing 101.
Class this week was excellent! I am finding this book about Columbus to be quite interesting. We talked a lot about ignorance and whether it was chosen or just a product of the times. I still believe it was chosen. Those who claimed it was a product of the times used the crew’s similar behavior as a central point of contention. Summarizing the first paragraph on page 22, Columbus basically threatens to cut the tongues, fine 10k maravedis, and give 100 lashes to anyone who speaks contrary to him. This threat is enough to suppress anyone’s behavior. Subsequently, the assertion that since the crew acted like him, ignorance is a product of the time is invalid. I look forward to dissecting this next chapter and discussing it!
