Reflection: Week 11 - avq

Reflection: Week 11

"Are you wealthy?"
           As I am sitting in Barnes & Noble with a full stomach and spiritually fulfilled, I reflect on this question that was discussed in class. When I first heard this, I automatically thought of monetary wealth. But then I realized that it could be more than that, and so my definition of wealth is having an abundance of something. I believe that I am wealthy in family, friends, support, love, and opportunities. 
          I am blessed with having both of my parents growing up. I cannot favor one over the other, but if I had to choose, then it would be my mom. My mom and dad work long and hard for my siblings, and I have what to do. At a certain point in my life, I stopped caring about having name brands and fitting into society. It was not until I got my first job that I began to value what I have. I began to pay for my clothing, makeup, contacts, and all. I easily could have asked my parents, but I learned to fend for myself. I felt this more when I arrived at college. My parents taught me to be responsible and work for what I want. A saying that they always told me was, "Tienes que superarte y salir adelante.."
         My workaholic tendencies came from them. The person that I am today is because of them. Any issues that I had, my parents were there to guide me. Even the moments where I felt hopeless, I just had to look at them, and I am reminded of what I have. Also, not to forget about my two sisters who always annoyed me and got me angry a lot, but the reason that is, is because I grew up too quickly. They remind me that I am 18, and it is okay to be a kid still. As far as I am aware, my priorities are to learn as much as I can, find a job as quick as I can, and network as much as I can. However, my sisters taught me that it is okay to step away from my responsibilities and live. I sometimes forget that my life is more than work and school. And the college has allowed me to live. If it had not been my family, I do not know where I would be right now. I would be a liar if I said that I was never mad or upset at my family. However, at the end of the night, I forgive and love them unconditionally. I am wealthy in having the support, love, and disciple of my family. I would not trade them for the world. 
           Another wealth that I have is my friends. I only had a small group of people that I can genuinely call my friends. They were the ones who could call me out on my bs without intentionally hurting me. They were also there for me when I felt lost. They reminded me that being your true self is the best self. They taught me that differences are the best way to become open-minded. My friends, like my family, taught me that love is powerful and that we are all worthy. If it had not been for their support and care, I might not be here writing this reflection. For me, to be wealthy in friends does not necessarily mean having a lot of them. I did say that wealth is "having an abundance of something." In this context, I believe that "something" signifies support and understanding. I prefer one real friend, over 10 "friends." In a way, you could say that I perceive wealth with value. The amount of value that I have over my friends determine the wealth that I believe I have.
            A final wealth that I have is opportunities. I am currently in a position where I am presented with numerous possibilities that there is no wrong path. I am living in a city where change occurs, and it is the heart of policies, protests, and progress. New bills are always created and debated on here. Here is where the action happens. I would not have had this opportunity if I was back home. Newark does not offer me this. The closest thing that I can get to Washington is going to my 24th district representative, and there is a big chance that I will not find him in his office. However, here in Washington, I assure you that I have seen several lawmakers who represent different parts of the country. These are people who support change for the better. These are opportunities that I never imagined having. And that is what I am wealthy in. I have an abundance in the chance to become someone and prosper.
         To me, I believe that wealth has different definitions for numerous people. However, I declare myself to be wealthy. Wealthy in family, friends, love, and more.
