Final Reflection: Week 15 - avq

 my first and last picture of the semester :)

“The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one’s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.” 
 E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly,

         Here I am, sitting in the lounge, writing my last reflection post. It has not hit me yet. We are at the end of our first semester. It does not feel like it, though. It feels as if we have eight more weeks in the semester. At first, I was concerned with how slowly the semester was going, but now it’s passed as quickly as weather changes in Upstate New York. Oh, New York, how much (I think) I miss you. I do not know how to feel about leaving. I miss the people back home, but I love this city. I did not realize how much DC means to me until I went home for Thanksgiving. Everything is spread out, and if I want to go anywhere, I need to drive there. Here, I have the Metro and Bus that can take me anywhere. Every stop has its own culture and personality. Washington, D.C., is not like any other city that I have been to. However, in my opinion, it’s the best. In my time here, not only have I experienced true independence, but I have also grown as a person and learned about myself more. Coming into college, I had no expectations. I came in with an open mind and accepting of what can happen. It turns out that I am a very spontaneous person who loves to take chances and live life to the fullest. I realized that college is more than our education (of course, that is the most crucial reason but…). College is about networking, growing, living, learning, and experiencing. However, I believe that the most important reason (besides educating) is the last one: experiencing. We learn by doing, and the more we do, the more we learn; it makes sense, right? Sometimes I am afraid that some do not see this. However, I can only do so much for both of them and myself. During my time here, I have done various stuff. Here is a little overview of my past semester:

-I met amazing people who not only supports me but also challenges me.
-I realized that I needed God back into my life and have him guide me.
-I attended a couple of protests on Capitol Hill. 
-I saw the sunset at the National Mall.
-I got to touch the main singer of Bastille’s elbow, and hug a famous French rapper!
-I cut my hair because change is good :)
-I got my first office job.
-I found a passion for cooking, cleaning, and doing my laundry.
-I realized that I am a night-owl and that 8 am classes, aren't it.
-I attended the Nats parade because they are the best baseball team out there!
-I went to my first professional basketball game.
-I saw my best friend from home who’s enlisted in the Army on Veteran’s Day!
-I attended an impeachment hearing (which was so freakin cool !!)
-and lastly, I got to find myself again

         AU, the Global Scholars Program, and World Politics helped me solidify my passion for international affairs. Coming from a small town, politics was seen as something too complicated and unimportant. It was not something that most students pursue after high school, but I decided to take the leap and see what would happen. I am grateful that I did because I do not know what I could have studied. I found a passion for national security, foreign policy, individuals’ privacy, and the global economy. Had it not been for AU, who knows where I could have been and could have studied. Life sometimes takes you on unexpected trips that are unexplainable at the moment. However, now looking back at my first semester, I would not have changed any of it (even the bad parts). I am here to both fail and succeed. Here’s to my first semester and many more!
